Part of me is so excited. I can't wait to wake up and dress my kids in their Easter outfits, cook a big dinner, hunt for eggs and talk about the reason we really celebrate Easter. I miss the sunrise church services of my younger days but I have been lazy about finding a new church so I really wouldn't know where to go. Anyway, part of me is really approaching this holiday with a heavy heart. Last Easter was my grandma's last holiday with us. She had been ill for a long time and we honestly hadn't expected her to make it to Easter. A few days before she became very lucid and started making plans for the holiday. On Saturday she had us all cooking up a storm and running around to find Easter treats for all of her great grandkids. By Sunday morning she was starting to slip back in to that 'fuddled' state of consciousness and while she knew we were there, I don't think she realized it was Easter nor was she able to really enjoy the holiday. It was difficult. It was also truly the beginning of the end for her. She passed away a few weeks later.
I know she wouldn't want me to sit here and dwell on all of that though so I am trying to stay chipper and just remember the good times. This year has definitely been odd though, I threw myself in to planning what the kids would wear and what treats would be in their baskets. I was so busy planning all the details that I forgot totally that I would have to cook at home this year. We've always had dinner at Grandma's. It was so strange trying to plan an Easter menu. I finally decided to go with what Grandma always made since I know the familiarity of it all will be comforting to my family.
Anyway... the Easter bunny was at our local Walmart yesterday. We decided to take the kids down. My daughter has had an aversion to characters in costumes for a long time so we were afraid she'd go running when she saw this life sized bunny. Instead she went over, told him hello and stood beside him careful to make sure she didn't touch him. LOL. She's a girl after my own heart, she told me she wanted the picture for her scrapbook. In all honesty, she could have cared less about actually seeing the bunny had it not been for the picture. Our little guy on the other hand, he was rather oblivious. He sat on the bunny's lap and chewed on his hand.
We got the obligatory photo taken by the person running the event and then Dh snapped a few for us so that I could have something to scrap. This was my favorite of the bunch.
See that frame around the picture? That's a sneak peak of something that is in my Easter Basket Surprise. I love goodie bags and grab bags and I haven't offered one since November so I decided to do one for Easter. Its full of 100mb of goodies. There's a little something for everyone.

This is only available through Monday so hurry to pick it up... for just $2 you get all the goodies inside. :)
You can pick it up at Digi Scrap Divas , Digi Scrap Shak , Elemental Scraps or One of a Kind Scrapz. Its the same at each store, choose your favorite. :)
And... lastly (before I get busy cleaning and take my daughter to a birthday party) one of my fabulous CT members, Dodo, has created two fabulous quick pages using my Easter Blue's kit. These are just adorable so be sure to pick them up! Here are the layouts she made...